The American Bison is the best Bovine. A symbol of the American west of freedom and of majesty, like the Bald Eagle of the ground. The bison has slowly decided that i should adopt it as a symbol of my own, setting it center stage into that chest of spirit animals i keep under my bed.
I often feel like a bison, slow and subtle, a little chunky around the edges. Driving today on the ranch on the iridescent four wheeler watching the cows. They treat me i think how they would treat a bison, utter panic. They follow this utter panic with a calm 'oh it is far too much energy to run' as they sit back down in the parched yellow grass.
Cows have a similar look to Bison, the great look of inquisitiveness, seen across the board in bovines:

They are a related species. I just hope that one day when i can raise bison, the friendlier more majestic Bovine i can commune like i do with the cows.
I'm still trying to figure out Cows, seeing that there are no Bison here in Hawaii for me to take care of. I have begun a slow but blossoming love for the other large mammals.
I have really been spending a lot of times with Horses. Horses possibly on of the few other species that uses a fist like pound to greet each other, except it is with their noses. It all goes back to sentiment though. Horses i know are saying in their snuffing and pounding noses,
"Dude whats up!"
Thats right i think Horses say dude. It is sad that while is sit here on the Ranch in Hawaii i cant get to really test out my skills with Bison ranching but possibly it will come, i can settle with cows right now, they are pretty cool too, just less Majestic.
(Bison and Bull together in the tropics.)
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