I'm existing on an Atoll. Well i guess it is a little bigger then an atoll. However I'm on an island, big in theory small in actuality. I sometimes expect to find a Gilligan here, bumbling and desolate with his only company those fellow stranded. In my mind it seems the isolation could not have actually spawned a functioning economy with utilities. Its so isolated. The function island has to be all dream, no one actually believes this is a good idea, do they? oh wait Zac yes they do, and some of them are related very closely to you.
I'm growing out of this doubt, of whether or not i agree with the idea of this isolation. I do like the reassurance that i can drive away from any one spot to another, always able to flee. Not much to flee to here.
Take away these doubts and i remember how beautiful it is here. The picture above taken a couple months ago as the sun was setting, painting and illuminating the terraced fields that once existed. The golden paintbrush turning the world around me into a magical hue of green. I chase after that color of green in my mind. Trying to find or replicate it, a color that reminds me of home, or my nuvo-home.
Its beauty here really does make it hard to question the if ands or buts of being 3,000 miles away from anything tangible.
I've been listing too on repeat Tom Waits, "all the world is green."
Driving up and down the topography at this magic hour, the rain has socked us in. This golden paintbrush still appears, sweeping across everything glistening and moving within the constant breeze. This song it plays in a similar light in my mind, as the sun sets in a sea of color, this illuminated grass continues in till dusk sets in and it fades out to the white light of the moon.
Here is youtube clip of Tom Waits playing the song, in a sea of blue lights on David Lettermen. (I'm trying to figure it out so i don't have to use Youtube, but I'm very internet illiterate.)
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